While not all graduates go on to start businesses, 100% of them go on to find employment within 90 days of their release from prison, and almost all are still employed after 12 months.
EO Houston has been invited for a look “behind the scenes” and an unforgettable in-prison experience like no other. PEP’s Executive Relations Manager, Joshua Munoz, will take us inside the Oliver J. Bell Unit, where we will meet members of the PEP Winter 2025 class. We will also see the PEP’s second-chance business incubator and accelerator, the PEP Collider.
This meet and greet will kick off at PEP office inside the East End Maker Hub at 9am. Then we get to go into prison! Members of EO Houston will arrive at the Oliver J. Bell Unit in Cleveland, TX for a special Meet and Greet event and will participate as judges for the Second Chance Pitch Competition. We will hear several business pitches from the program participants and we will decide who will move on to the Final Business Plan Competition.
It will be a powerful day and we will be able to participate in a process that is changing lives.
Agenda for Jan 23rd:
9:00-9:15am Meet at East End Maker Hub (6501 Navigation Blvd)
9:20-10:30am Orientation and Collider Tour
10:45am Depart to Oliver J. Bell Unit
10:45-11:45am (Box Lunches on Bus)
11:50am Arrive at Oliver J. Bell Unit
12:00-4:00pm EO Houston/PEP Meet and Greet
4:00pm Event Concludes Depart for East End Maker Hub
5:00pm Arrive at Maker Hub (End)
If unable to attend this Thursday event, there will also be an opportunity to attend the final business plan competition and graduation ceremony on Friday!