Upcoming Events

Managing Your Most Valuable Assets: People

11 February 2025 08:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Venue: The Innevation Center University of Nevada
Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

You and your team will explore: 

· Is your team happy and engaged? 
· Would you enthusiastically rehire everyone on your team?
· Actions to live by 
· How to keep your Core Value alive! 
· Right Seats, right people, right things.

How Will You Execute Your Business Strategy?

13 May 2025 08:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Venue: The Innevation Center
Location: United States

· How consistent and regular are your team meetings? Which is going well, and which ones are erratic? 

· What core processes do you have that cross-department or functional roles?
· Which of your operations is not working well right now?
· What are the key numbers you track in your business?
· What are those numbers telling you about where your business is going?
 Where does your time go? Make some notes about how you spend your time.

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    Conditions of EO Membership Application and Renewal:
    Every member who applies or renews their membership agrees to comply with the Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct of Entrepreneurs' Organization. Current members must complete the online renewal form acknowledging review of the organization's Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct.