Build a Better Marketing Machine
Eric Keiles
EO Philadelphia
Eric Keiles is the Chief Marketing Officer at Square 2 Marketing. This business practices Reality MarketingTM, a realistic way small- and medium-sized businesses can generate more revenue without the “fluff.” More information and free resources to help your business can be found at or by contacting Eric, a member of EO Philadelphia, directly at
[email protected].
I can honestly say,
after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs during the last 10 years, that one of the critical mistakes they make is executing marketing tactics without developing a clear strategy. In fact, most entrepreneurs are fantastic at executing their product or service but randomly throw money into marketing tactics without taking the time to understand and develop their company’s position in the marketplace.
Have you had this conversation with your team? “We’ve placed ads in this trade magazine before, and we don’t get any response.” Or, “Our online strategy is driving some people to our website, but nobody’s clicking through.” These are common occurrences that we experience when beginning an engagement. Our clients all have great products and services, but they don’t know how to deliver the message of why their product is different or, better yet, remarkable.
One client was spending more than US$10,000 a month on a marketing mix of eight different programs. We realized that they were in the right places to communicate but were delivering a message that was way off base from what their clients needed to hear. After answering the following four key questions, we were able to help with a strategy to deliver the target marketing messages:
Who is your target market?
- What problems do they have in purchasing the service?
- What are your company’s solutions?
- What makes you remarkable enough to do business with?
In just 30 days, response switched from a source of disappointment to a source of multiple inquiries and prospects. In addition, we helped them change their thinking regarding the goals of their marketing efforts from, “We are going to get sales directly from our advertisements.” Instead, we helped them realize that their main goal is to build a prospect database. By knowing this goal, they can become even more targeted in their tactics moving forward.
Using this simple change in your thinking, you can build a better marketing machine and dramatically increase your ROMI (Return On Marketing Investment).
Don’t just be a mortgage lender who does loans. Define your market in terms of the specific people with whom you wish to do business so that you can work strategically and focus your marketing dollars in that way.
Think like your customers and understand what pains or problems they have in purchasing your product or service. Your mission in marketing is to solve those problems, and empathy will go a long way in making the prospect feel assured that you can help.
Understand how your company provides solutions to your customers’ problems. If you can’t provide the solutions, marketing is not your main problem. The solutions your company offers should clearly match the pains and will be the basis for your marketing campaign.
The most critical part is not only that you solve people’s problems but that you do it in a remarkable fashion. Don’t just say, “We are open late.” Instead say, “We are sensitive to working individuals and stay open until midnight Wednesday through Friday to fit your schedule.” By changing the way you package or position a service or product that you already provide, you can show your clients and prospects that you truly ARE remarkable!