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Note:Enter Children Name With Comma Seprated.
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*I understand this transaction will only be processed once I am notified of my acceptance to the Accelerator program and authorize payment. And, that this initial payment will be prorated from that join date to 30 June with an automatic annual renewal in June unless I opt out otherwise.I also understand that joining and staying in the Accelerator program is up to each local chapter/program location and that being a participant in an EO Accelerator program does not guarantee acceptance to an EO chapter upon hitting the $1M. I further acknowledge that my role in the program is that of a Participant on an annual basis with my goal being to grow my business.I declare that all information on this application is true and I agree with the above terms regarding annual renewal to Accelerator in June of each year. EO highly respects your privacy and does not release any information to third parties.
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