Upcoming Events

EO goes Oktoberfest 2024

2 October 2024 11:30 AM (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Venue: Almstüberl & Hofbräuzelt
Location: Munich, Germany

From Global Insights to Local Celebrations - Connect, Inspire

& Celebrate at EO Munich’s Oktoberfest

Join us for a unique and exclusive Oktoberfest experience that transcends borders, hosted by EO Munich. This year, we’re bringing together EO members from around the globe for an unforgettable day!

Sold out - If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email us at [email protected].

Knowledge Sharing: Iniciar un camino de fondeo VC con Diego Noriega

9 October 2024 09:00 AM (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires
Venue: TBC
Location: Argentina

Desde la silla de Accelerator, los invitamos a una nueva sesión de Knowledge Sharing: encuentros donde abordaremos distintas temáticas relacionadas a cómo escalar su negocio. Una oportunidad única para aprender y nutrirse de la experiencia de los miembros del Capitulo.
En esta cuarta sesión nos acompaña Diego Noriega, para compartirnos lo que tenemos que saber y conocer si vamos a iniciar un camino de fondeo VC.

Learning Day: Strategy

28 November 2024 09:00 AM (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires
Venue: TBC
Location: Argentina

Los invitamos a participar del próximo Learning Day en donde veremos la temática STRATEGY como uno de los módulos del programa.
Un día de aprendizaje 100% presencial, con Fernando Gonzalez liderando el encuentro.

17,000+ Members

213 Chapters

60+ Countries

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    Conditions of EO Membership Application and Renewal:
    Every member who applies or renews their membership agrees to comply with the Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct of Entrepreneurs' Organization. Current members must complete the online renewal form acknowledging review of the organization's Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct.