Membership Qualification

Potential candidates for membership must be approved by the local chapter board. All applicants must show that they meet the following criteria:

In order to receive the most value as a member in the Okanagan Chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, the board has defined expectations for all new members.

What you can expect from the Chapter in the next 90 days:

- You will receive assistance with scheduling forum training.
- You will be supported in joining an existing EO Forum or starting a new EO Forum.
- You will be contacted by the EO President—please feel free to ask questions.
- The chapter members and sponsors will be notified your membership has been accepted.
- You will be added to the EO global membership of over 14,000 members.
- You will be invited and introduced at the next learning event.
- You will have access to the EO Website and Social Media Groups.
- You will receive a new member’s kit from EO Global.
- You will be kept up to date on upcoming events via our chapter newsletter,, periodic emails, and other communications.
- An open ear to help make your first 90 days a great experience. If you are not getting your needs met, ASK so we can meet and exceed your expectations!

What the Chapter expects from you:

- Attend at least six social/learning events per year.
- Attend one regional or global event in your first 24 months of membership.
- Contribute proactively to the experience of others, be positive and bold when sharing your experiences with other EOers.
- Contribute to the leadership of your EO Forum by getting moderator trained and becoming a future moderator.
- Own your own experience - carry your own bag.
Join our chapter Facebook Group and Like our chapter Facebook Page.
- Complete all event surveys.
- Complete the annual Global online survey.
- Have one qualified prospective member attend a learning and test drive event.
- Upload your photo and keep your profile current on
- Be familiar with Our Chapter Partners and support them when possible.
- Abide by the non-solicitation policy.
- Respect every EO Member’s EO Forum experience.
- Download the EO Network App (Apple/Android).
- Visit theEO Learning Platform and check out theEO Podcast
- Complete yourMyEO Matrix profile and check out theMyEO Platform.
- Contribute to the leadership and future of EO. Check out theMember Journey Guide.

17,000+ Members

213 Chapters

60+ Countries

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    Conditions of EO Membership Application and Renewal:
    Every member who applies or renews their membership agrees to comply with the Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct of Entrepreneurs' Organization. Current members must complete the online renewal form acknowledging review of the organization's Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct.