Entrepreneurs around the globe are thinking, planning and scheming how to stretch 24 hours into an endless and productive workday. We work 24/7 to maintain the lifestyles we have come to love. But in a recent survey of Fortune 500 male executives, half of those surveyed wondered if the sacrifices they made throughout their careers were worth it.
Burnt out, energy depleted or constantly stressed out, many of us are unable to take pleasure in our hard-earned position and financial stability. Instead of connecting with our families and friends, many of us find our time at home is just a continuation of a busy day at work. We increasingly struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle— pushing coffee to stay awake, sipping alcohol to go to sleep and rushing off to yoga classes in order to relax.
As an entrepreneur, doctor, consultant, spouse and mother, I appreciate the incredible challenges that entrepreneurs face in their daily responsibilities as I continue to master these challenges myself. Through the years, I have used the following strategies to help entrepreneurs, executives, clients, patients, families and myself manage life and work:
Analyze Your Current Life/Work Situation
Assess your current level of performance, productivity, health and well-being.
Learn About the Effects of Stress
Identify the biological factors and environmental sources of stress and implement effective strategies to manage them. Maximize your efficiency.
Establish Priorities and Set Boundaries
As an entrepreneur, you don’t “have” time but must “create” time. Use technology to your benefit: It is not the Blackberry’s fault that you can be immediately reached anytime, anyplace. You should be sleeping instead of answering messages at 2:00am.
Build Solid Relationships
You built your company with a brilliant idea and via outstanding networking. Your interaction with family and friends will replenish your personal joy and stamina. Protect these relationships as equally invaluable and irreplaceable assets.
Establish a Development Plan for the Present
Fix what is not working for you in each and every area of your life. Implement healthy lifestyle strategies today. Maximize your sleep, nutrition, exercise and relaxation needs. Avoid drinking more than one cup of coffee or alcohol per day. Watch caffeine in your soft drinks. Clean up and organize your house and office. Organize your finances. Prioritize your activities. These things together will help you feel that your space — and thereby your time — is more manageable.
Create a Master Plan of Action for the Future
You know how important it is to have a plan for your business. To do it all, you need an equally valuable, aligned, integrated personal
business master plan.
Revisit Your Plan on a Regular Basis
What works for you today may not work for you next year. Change offers amazing opportunities to grow and prepare for the next challenge.
As with business plans, what works for one person may not work for the next, but you have the power over your time and your life. Take hold of that power and build your world — as you did with your business — into what you want it to be.