About EO GEI
The Global Entrepreneur Indicator is a semi-annual survey of the membership of the Entrepreneurs' Organization, a membership-based non-profit with
12,000+ entrepreneurs across 58 countries. Each of these business owners operates a business with over US$1 million in revenue, with a median annual revenue of US$5 million. Collectively, these entrepreneurs employ more than 3 million workers.
The Global Entrepreneur Indicator surveys a globally representative sample of entrepreneurs to predict economic trends in a number of areas, including:
- Job creation
- Profits and debt loads
- Economic forecasting
- The business environment
Results are available on a global level, and also for the following individual regions:
- Asia / Pacific
- Canada
- Europe
- Latin America / Caribbean
- Middle East / Pakistan / Africa
- South Asia
- US Central
- US East
- US West
The Global Entrepreneur indicator is presented by the
Entrepreneurs' Organization.